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Arapgir Belediyesi, Ethem Holding İşbirliğiyle Çağrı Merkezi Personeli Alımı DuyurusuArapgir Belediyesi, Ethem Holding İşbirliğiyle Çağrı Merkezi Personeli Alımı Duyurusu

Arapgir, a historical district of Malatya, is continuing its infrastructure improvement activities to enhance the quality of life. The damaged roads and sidewalks, which were negatively affecting the daily lives of the residents, started to be repaired after the natural gas infrastructure works were completed. The local government, taking into account the demands of the citizens regarding this issue, took immediate action. With the works carried out under the coordination of the Department of Civil Works of the relevant institution, the damaged sidewalks and roads are being repaired and arranged for the comfortable use of the residents. The renovation works in the town center are being carried out meticulously to ensure that the citizens can continue their daily lives smoothly. These improvement activities strengthen the transportation infrastructure throughout the district and give Arapgir an aesthetic appearance. At the same time, it aims to create a safe and comfortable transportation network. The proactive approach of the municipality not only increases the satisfaction of the citizens but also demonstrates the determination of local governments to fulfill their responsibilities. These works are expected to enhance the social life quality of Arapgir and contribute to local development. With the ongoing improvement activities, the residents of the district will experience the satisfaction of having a safer and more comfortable living space.

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